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Ep 87: Wayne Lee on Native American Warfare
School of WarAug 29, 2023
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Wayne Lee, Bruce W. Carney Distinguished Professor of History at UNC and author of The Cutting-Off Way: Indigenous Warfare in Eastern North America, 1500-1800, joins the show to talk about war in the ‘Eastern Woodlands’, both before and after European contact.



    •    01:48 Introduction 

    •    02:50 Coincidences

    •    07:19 “Woods and rivers, deer and rabbits, corn and beans”

    •    12:51 Unused land

    •   19:29 Sacred spaces

    •    21:56 Strategic objectives

    •    28:35 Why not occupy? 

    •    32:50 Logistics

    •   41:57 The role of the prisoner 

    •    49:10 Something like the truth 

    •    54:34 Offense and defense

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